
Work to change your life


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welcome to all readers. I will only write this newsletter to my PSAs.

You have come to SFI for a positive change in your life. I do the same and I am working on my long term goals every day. My long term change is to become a Diamond Team Leader, one day. As you may have learned, a DTL is the highest rank in SFI.

How can I work to get this going?

It’s a while passed, I have appreciated the Plan (https://www.sfimg.com/the_plan) and I have subscribed the Builder Bundle, which is an option to set each month a good starting point. With the Builder Bundle, we earn every month 1500 VersaPoints, 100 Mighty Tcredits, 8 freshly-generated PSAs, and 2 CSAs, 350 Rewardical tokens.
View this offer here: https://www.tripleclicks.com/detail.php?item=556925.

As an interested sponsor in SFI, I wanted to make sure they heard about this offer and I am really excited about this because I can be relaxed for the rest of the month and concentrate more on recruiting new people to our TEAM.

The minimum rank is STL for participating in the plan and with the function of Opti-Build, I can choose to contribute either 50 % or 100 % of my PSAs to my TEAM.

To become a Designated Diamond are selected by SFI administration and they will be invited to work with other affiliates toward the mutual goal of becoming a Diamond Team Leader.

I wish that more Affiliates get the chance of becoming Designated Diamonds. If we work hard, we set your goals and see, it will happen.

Have a successful week. Entertainment is good – I invite you to play Hidden.
Just click on the banner, below. You can be a winner, today.

Friedrich Fritz

Published by chilichote

I am Network Marketing Affiliate and I am building something great. I share my ideas with the audience

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