
Stay motivated daily

Hello Entrepreneurs,
I hope that you are okay and thank you for reading my newsletter.

We are Network Marketing entrepreneurs. We are free and independent workers.

The main aim is to help others to become successful.




We recommend others to join us – then we are their sponsor.


Where do you recruit your referrals? You can invite your friends, classmates, colleagues.

The far more chance is to recruit your referral online via advertising and promotion.


We have cold and warm marketing options.  When you ask your friend for a referral, don’t ask if they know someone who wants what we are offering.

Instead, ask for someone who has a problem that we can solve.


How much does this cost us?


*I can’t get started

*What is holding me back?

*I wish I could do this.

*Why am I procrastinating?

*What can I do to get going?



Motivation in the first 60 seconds is hard to manage. Breath! Then think positive: working means leaving the comfort zone and try something that pushes you. We all work for a better life and for our retirement from our normal work. It is similar to planting a tree. You need to care about this tree to let it grow and bear fruits for harvesting. See your priorities and get to work.


TripleClicks is your Store


Triple Clicks is your store and also the products are yours (as it is written down by Gery Carson in Rules of success number 5).  Have Triple Clicks store as your habit to sell and buy products that you and your customers need.

Any purchase at Triple Clicks earns you valuable Versa Points, which you can parlay into numerous benefits and increased earnings. You also earn Rewardicals with every purchase.

Save 20%-50% off retail with Astro Auctions!


Best regards

Friedrich Fritz

STL I am a proud member of the SFI Marketing group

Published by chilichote

I am Network Marketing Affiliate and I am building something great. I share my ideas with the audience

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