

Regeneration in Network Marketing

To all my Affiliates - especially important insights

The T-Time tool was paused because there was too much abuse. We should focus on business. Resignation doesn’t get us anywhere. Our company thrives on the fact that we are connected in a network. We exchange ideas and thereby enliven our possibilities. Let’s regenerate our abilities and leave behind everything that is counterproductive. Our main tasks are to sell interesting products and services while expanding our network. We offer solutions and we are not solving problems.

Sales&Shares is our plan, now.

Are you ready for this? 

In the beginning, you were happy to join SFI, you had big and noble goals.

Keep working towards these goals and putting in the effort. From nothing, comes nothing.


Share your thoughts in the forum and participate in discussions. Familiarize yourself with online advertising and the use of gateways.

We are one Network – we are the people!


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Friedrich-W. Fritz
Diepental 11
DE-42799 Leichlingen
Kontakt: chilichote@hotmail.com

Data protection / Privacy Policy

Hello,I hereby confirm that your information on this blog is secure.
They are only saved if you make an entry yourself.On request, your data will also be deleted or returned to you.  This Policy is in accordance  with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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I have no control over your data in the event that you enter your data on a embedded or linked  Website

Friedrich-W. Fritz
Diepental 11DE-42799 Leichlingen

Contact: chilichote@hotmail.com



Should prospects change?

As you might already know – prospects are your referrals. They are coming to your downline through promotion.
They are curious and joyn our Network Marketing group.

They are not obliged to join our business. They can make their decision free and they have two opitons:

  1. They can read our presentation and sign up
  2. They can keep things the same


Always have an open mind

Are you happy at your present job?

The job that has a boss above you and dictates what you should do and how fast you should finish your work.

The monthly wages are average, negotiated between the trade unions and employers‘ associations.

Network Marketing is different

There is no boss above you and you can earn as much commissions as you want.


Your business begins with a little investment: you sign one share ECommergy and then you can run this business.


Promote Elevation shopping

Elevation Mall offers amazing products from sellers around the world!
Revel in top-quality stores hand-picked and curated by e-commerce experts!
Advanced search allows to find just the product the customer wants within seconds!


Enjoy your shopping.

Before you shop joyn SFI with the purchase of one Share ECommergy.


Work from home and enjoy

Join over 12 million members!
 Shop 1000's of amazing products from sellers around the world!
 Revel in top-quality stores hand-picked and curated by e-commerce experts!
 Elevation's advanced search allows you to find just the products you want within seconds!

No registration or credit card required.
Just click on store listings and start shopping!


Work from home

It is very easy to start your business, don’t have doubts.

Just take a deep breath and then make your goals.

You are looking for a solution to solve your problems, right?

The normal work with a boss in front of you does not bring the right profit.

Have you asked the following question:
"Do you want to do something about it?"

People are different

Each of us have different skills, backgrounds, and past experiences. That is why we must pick and choose what advice to utilize. 

Where can we get advice? From books, audios, webinars, company conventions, and from our sponsors.
Yes, our sponsors may have scar tissue all over their bodies from valuable experiences. 

ECommergy is the best source for your advice and you can learn so much about Network Marketing which is helping you.

Learn to cook

For cooking we need a strategy, don't we?
The solution: Learn one new tip or technique about cooking food every day.
It is the same with Network Marketing. All we must do is to learn one new tip or technique every day.


The new Paradigm

Only the brave will survive.
Breathe for one time and take a new look.
Smile and get started.

1st invest in yourselves
with 1 share ECommergy.

Become a personal adviser

Go Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platin adviser

Global Offices.


New shops are added frequently.
Over 12 Million members worldwide.
 Shop 1000's of amazing products from sellers around the world!


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